Championing AS Adventure’s CSR journey to connect Belgians with nature


In a compelling fusion of corporate social responsibility and impactful storytelling, our agency teamed up with A.S.Adventure and a sister agency to launch a groundbreaking campaign. This initiative aimed to ignite a societal shift, motivating Belgians to embrace nature for both personal wellness and environmental sustainability.

Leveraging the insights of health and nature experts, backed by a broad coalition of supporters, the campaign unfolded across multiple media platforms, culminating in significant public engagement and a demonstrable boost in A.S.Adventure’s brand visibility and societal contribution.

A.S.Adventure Case Study

360° campaign

What We Did

Stakeholder engagement workshop, ESG communications & Thought leadership


A.S.Adventure, the specialist in the great outdoors and nature, has always put corporate social responsibility at the forefront of its mission. Seeking a purposeful initiative to give back to society, our agency joined forces with its sister agency, to orchestrate an inspiring online and offline campaign that stirred the souls of thousands of Belgians, urging them to connect daily with nature for the betterment of their minds and bodies.


Harnessing the wisdom of five esteemed health and nature experts, we crafted a scientifically-backed manifesto that extolled the benefits of immersing oneself in nature.


1. From the impact of green surroundings on our mental state to the power of a daily nature dose in combating diabetes. From the productivity and happiness boosts of green workplaces to the pivotal role of nature in the fight against climate change, our manifesto has won the endorsement of twenty esteemed organizations and specialists from diverse sectors.

2. Renowned figures like Professor Doctor Dirk De Wachter and established associations like the Belgian Cardiological League rallied behind our cause and signed the manifesto.

3. Our campaign exploded into action on World Health Day with a captivating press release.

4. A.S.Adventure’s own media channels, including their website, newsletters, and social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook, became the vibrant stage for this rallying cry. The endorsing organizations joined forces, amplifying the message through their own channels.

5. We cranked up the volume by securing exclusive news stories with the leading newspapers, HLN and Le Soir, and generated further buzz by inviting television and radio stations such as VTM News, Radio 2, and MNM to join us for interviews, all while strolling amidst the beauty of nature.

6. To further magnify the campaign’s impact, we crafted inspiring social media and video content featuring our esteemed health experts and two celebrities: the walking enthusiast and beloved Fleming, Leen Dendievel, and the charismatic French-speaking TV presenter, Adrien Devyver.

7. To top it off, we penned an opinion piece, written in the distinguished voice of the CEO of A.S.Adventure. In this piece, we highlighted the advantages of incorporating a daily dose of nature into the workforce. A.S.Adventure, leading by example, introduced their very own “day off in nature” initiative for employees.


  • Our efforts resulted in a total of 34 clippings across print, online, radio, and TV platforms, igniting a PR frenzy with a reach of over 31 million and a value of 680 thousand euros.
  • And the impact? In a matter of days, more than 4,000 Belgians enrolled in A.S.Adventure’s motivational program, ready to seize the power of nature. But that’s not all; the campaign fueled a surge in online and physical store visits.


The achievements of our campaign speaks to the power of storytelling and a strategic, multifaceted communications plan, serving as a shining example of how a purpose-driven initiative can inspire widespread change. By motivating thousands of people to spend more time in nature, AS Adventure and its collaborative partners have not only enhanced individual well-being but also fostered a deeper connection between humanity and the natural world. It is a powerful reminder of the positive impact that can be achieved when corporations prioritize Corporate Social Responsibility and leverage the strength of collective action.

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