Harmonizing tastes and ambitions: MMPRESS Scripts Theo Coertjens’ strategic takeover story with Amifood


In a strategic move to expand its offerings and establish a significant presence in the European food sector, Theo Coertjens International acquired Amifood, setting the stage for the creation of a major European food cluster. Tasked with the challenge of seamlessly merging two distinguished brands while maintaining stakeholder trust, Theo Coertjens turned to MMPRESS for expert communication guidance. Through a meticulously planned communication strategy, MMPRESS aimed to not only preserve the essence and integrity of both companies but also to articulate a shared vision of innovation, growth, and quality, effectively turning the transition into an opportunity for engagement and expansion.

Theo Coertjens

Merger & acquisition

What We Did

Workshop, Corporate Positioning & Thought Leadership


Theo Coertjens International, a seasoned player in the prepared meat dishes sector, acquired Amifood, seeking to expand its portfolio and establish a prominent European food cluster. Recognizing the importance of clear and reassuring communication during this transition, Theo Coertjens enlisted MMPRESS to articulate its strategic vision to stakeholders, emphasizing both continuity and growth.

As the merger of two culinary powerhouses unfolded, there was a need for a communication strategy that not only informed but also invited customers, suppliers, and industry peers to embrace the new joint journey. Theo Coertjens International wanted to reassure stakeholders of the maintained quality and service, while also hinting at the innovation that the acquisition promised. The challenge lay in merging two distinct brand identities and maintaining stakeholder trust while communicating the broader vision of creating a European food cluster. MMPRESS needed to convey a message that encapsulated the benefits of the merger and the potential for future innovation, all while maintaining the essence of both companies.


ΣMPRESS conducted in-depth interviews to understand the core values and future ambitions of Theo Coertjens International and Amifood. This insight formed the foundation for crafting personalized stakeholder letters that conveyed a narrative of growth, quality, and a collaborative future. The stakeholder letters highlighted the merger’s benefits, integrating the Amifood product range into Theo Coertjens International’ offerings. With tailored messages for different recipients, ΣMPRESS emphasized the shared vision of the companies:

  1. For customers, the message focused on the enriched product portfolio and assured personalized service continuity.
  2. For potential food cluster partners, an invitation to join an ecosystem driving innovation.


The stakeholder communication not only alleviated concerns but also sparked interest in the newly formed food cluster ambitions. The campaign resulted in:

  1. Positive reception from existing clients and suppliers, with assurances of their continued partnership.
  2. A reinforced market position for Theo Coertjens International.


This case study reflects MMPRESS’s expertise in orchestrating communications that foster unity, drive brand evolution, and articulate a vision that resonates with a diverse audience set in the midst of significant corporate changes.

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